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Ready To Leave for Vidcon

I'm finally leaving for VidCon. I actually have had this weird feeling of being depressed up until this point. Maybe I'm just not getting enough physical activity?

I am hoping this will be something for the books.

I did want to see what the homeless population is like there. When I lived in Denver, I spent time preaching and helping the homeless out the best I knew how. Now that I am in Houston, I try to help the homeless, but because everything is so spread out, it feels like my efforts aren't as effective as they can be.

I also want to see what the hiking trails are like. I know that there are some places that I researched, but to come across some place that is easily accessible would be nice.

I'm excited about the food and I heard there are a lot of good places to try.

Mainly, what is really on my mind, is if this could be a place to live in the future for me and my family. I know it is random, but would California be a safe place to live? Would it give me a feeling of freedom?

Since I've worked with the entertainment industry since I was younger, I thought maybe it would be a good place to continue that work. I know it is expensive, but I love the thought of it.

VidCon is just a tip to the iceberg that is this trip. If I could see myself there, maybe my life might have an extended grasp of goals or meaning.

I know that this isn't a lot to talk about, but I figured I'd share my thoughts.


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